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Never give up!

Стихотворение в жанре Иностранные языки
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I want to dedicate this verse to all lonely young people souls, who passsed away and Izzy Dix!

Reading a lot of identical stories,

You can feel disappointment and pain,

They bring back to life memories

And they burns your brain.

This brain-fire makes a noise like a storm.

It's hard for the fair spirit.

The noise is destroying, commanding and strong,

I want you will never feel it.

Nobody understands

This heavy pain of irreplaceable loss,

Nobody understands,

Because there are not beautiful consoling words!

No, no, no, you MUST NEVER give up!

Your single life is a present of heaven,

Brush fools and losers from you mind!

Instead if despair you must head on!

You have your future in this life,

Your dreams, aspirations and hopes.

One step and you will lose all:

Your family, your future, LIFE!

Life consists from ups and downs,

From pain, from happiness, from love,

From relatives and family, you just think about

You take away from them not your part, but Half!

Please, never give up!

Understand, we are all different,

Wait, when you clear the bar,

Forgive rabbles and idiots!

The Earth shall take the body,

The heaven -your undying souls,

The God will punish offenders,

But you will never return, of course.

We can pray for them

The addle spirits.

The Earth grieved and I retell

Never, never give up, the lonely spirits!

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Опубликовано 22.12.2013 в 22:53
Прочитано 1177 раз(а)

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