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The men don't cry

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The men don't cry…

This phrase mother told me long ago and I remembered it in those moments when my soul was hurt. It saved me many times from ridicules of neighbor’s boys…

He wiped off the blood from the broken lip, and shaking the dust from his clothes he kept from temptation to cry, and continued to fight. Not far from fighting boys stood a little girl with wet eyes...

Remembering this history, he has smiled.

Driving along the road the car picks up the speed.

That twelve years boy had trouble not only from boys, but also from parents of that girl, whom he protected.

The men don't cry.

These worlds are very actually now. He come back home. Only lonely walls of his apartments and the small teddy bear on his sofa will wait him.

Lost – is always pain. Feeling this, the sky is beginning to cry, it is dropping the heavy tears on a windscreen…

He tries inserting the key into a keyhole and realized there is somebody in the apartment. He pushed the door and entered.

On the sofa is sitting a blond - haired girl holding a teddy bear in her arms. She walks up to him and embraced him...

The men cry, when they have a person who ready to cry with them together or keep silent together...


Рейтинг: 9.88
(голосов: 8)
Опубликовано 05.01.2014 в 15:08
Прочитано 1204 раз(а)

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