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Литературный клуб «Я - Писатель» - это сайт, созданный как для начинающих писателей и поэтов, так и для опытных любителей, готовых поделиться своим творчеством со всем миром. Публикуйте произведения, участвуйте в обсуждении работ, делитесь опытом, читайте интересные произведения!

On line of love

Стихотворение в жанре Иностранные языки
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Honey, what a miracle to strip ...

Honey, what a miracle to bare your body,

The button fell, my heart sang.

The blouse is removed, and the belt is a trifle.

Breast honey freshness

Roses scented bosom,

and in the middle of the bouquet

two crimson buds.

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2016

Certificate of Publication No. 116080401067


My poem

It is not for nothing that life

has been bestowed upon me;

inspiration is cherished.

No! I magically have to create a poem.

It will push tight thoughts horizons tight,

Love and enlightenment will enter into a living soul with him.

For many, it’ll be a difficult journey along the way,

And his sonorous sweetness - will comfort, not deceive.

He will heal the patient’s wounds, guide the fool in the way,

The hearts of lovers will lead through the jungle of trial.

It will give to the clogged the tongues, to the meek courage,

Fire of freedom, sun, light and rain moisture.

Beaming with hope and kindness, chanting life echoing,

Neither evil nor sorrow on earth will not allow to step a step.


The sea is a man

That will flicker, then clump

it’s going to turn white like snow.

Who is missing the sea?

The sea is a man!

It’s calm, and even windy,

then a servant is a servant.

That is a king with a loincloth,

suddenly gleams like a savage.

That will swell with cold foam,

it will dive into the salty gloom.

Who will miss the sea?

Do not get bored in any way!

Here you are just the same

Do not hug and do not understand.

You’ll open the edge of the soul,

You’ll be quiet again.

You are kind, tall

You’re angry, even scream

At dawn, blue-eyed

darkly oka in the night.

It’s good for me to suffer with you

Together fall from a height.

Who is missing the sea,

If the sea is you!


Eye dialogue

What can be seen from the window?

Window, trees, wires ...

What else would you need?

- I need more eyes!

What else? Why eyes?

And all, all, all!

And still the eyes!

You may want to cheer up

But it can hurt to rebuke.

You cannot do without them! I want my eyes!

They can talk!

Do you like screaming?

Do not love, huh?

And I love when in the eyes ...

Do not smile! I am not kidding!

I want to see a cry in my eyes !!!


Words of love

Words of love, words of great tenderness,

with which I thank you

inadvertently with verses I repeat -

naive as the first snowdrops.

And fear: "would not lose freshness,

wouldn’t get lost in the hands of the crowd! ..

Rosehip, give them thorns in defense -

the flowers of love, the flowers of great tenderness. "

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2017

Certificate of publication No. 117031103791


It was april night

It was night.

April was running down.

Whispered something new foliage.

I stole your eyes and lips

experiencing the sweetness of theft.

I understood that theft is absurd,

it will go through your fingers like smoke.

But even a passing trolley bus

in the darkness seemed brig blue.

Around it all stood still

but storing inaccessibility of plans,

from nightly heights the constellation of Scorpio

looked at me thoughtfully ...

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2017

Certificate of publication No. 117041101248


Poems are not written, happen ...

One poet said: take care

poetry, so as not to lose time!

And I think it's hypocrisy

compose verses with your feet.

Another said: you hatch them

sit and no problem!

Then I was embarrassed: it’s a shame

God knows how to write poetry!

Then they advise: lay down,

Go to bed. Write in a dream.

Colleagues, I said, yes what are you,

Are you crazy about everything ?!

Poems are not written. Happen like

runny nose, stupidity or delirium.

I look: pouted. Offended:

"Well, it’s you who bent, poet!"

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2017

Certificate of publication No. 117020104718



You say I'm fidget

And you are right

I passed away like a bird in


So you wait.

I rush in rumbling cars

So somewhere out there -

on washed platforms, on

Instagram pages:

to you distant and beloved

write not in prose, but in verses:

about the ringing songs of the cranes,

about blooming flowers ...

I rush into the blue mists

Like a bird on a long flight.

So that even on the edge of the Planet -

Feel that someone is waiting.

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2016

Certificate of Publication No. 116110201257


You call and i will wake up

A month will bend a horseshoe

I’m not used to sleeping forever.

I will install the old mobile phone-

Wake me up old man!

You call me unceasingly

If I forget my sleep.

I’ll get up with grass

or an ear of corn.

Call me - this ringing

driving away night and sadness.

For a very long time, like lovers

You call - and I will wake up.

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2016

Certificate of Publication No. 116110201213


Words of love

Words of love, words of great tenderness,

with which I thank you

inadvertently with verses I repeat -

naive as the first snowdrops.

And fear: "would not lose freshness,

wouldn’t get lost in the hands of the crowd! ..

Rosehip, give them thorns in defense -

the flowers of love, the flowers of great tenderness. "

© Copyright: Tuly Munalbaev, 2017

Certificate of publication No. 117031103791


It was raining

It was light in the distance.

We say goodbye to fingers

They have intertwined with you.


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Опубликовано 15.06.2020 в 20:55
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